Gralyn Estate

Gralyn Estate

Gralyn Estate

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At the forefront of fortified wine

At the forefront of fortified wine

Nice write up in the West Australian Newspaper this week with the recent success of our Artizan Rare Muscat. 

Story by Taylar Amonini for The West Australian, Busselton Dunsborough Times
South West winemakers say it’s time for Australians to “rediscover fortified wines” after a Margaret River vineyard scooped a trio of national wine awards.  Hot on the heels of the 11th trophy win in the 2021 ANZ Boutique Wine Show for their Gralyn Estate Artizan Rare Muscat… The team snapped up a double gold medal at the Global Fine Wine Challenge and Gold at the Melbourne Royal Wine Awards, with their Rare Muscat, further cementing it as one of the pre-eminent names in Australian fortified winemaking.

Wine writer and consultant Erin Larkin said the Margaret River winemakers were at the forefront of the resurgence of fortified wine in Western Australia. “Gralyn Estate have been pushing the fortified cart for decades and I think that’s really significant and important.”

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