We are moving into the season of Birak

We are moving into the season Birak. The Noongar Calendar recognises this as the first summer and the season of the young.
The Noongar calendar includes six annual seasons, each representative of the environmental and seasonal changes that occur around us. They contain deeper insights into the subtle and distinct transformations in the plants, flowers and animals around us.
Birak (December - January) sees the rains ease up and the warm weather really start to take hold. The afternoons are cooled by the sea breezes that prevail from the southwest. There is an almost clockwork style of easterly winds in the morning and sea breezes in the afternoon.
For the animals, there are many young venturing out, whilst some are still staying close to their parents. Reptiles are looking to shed their old skin for a new one.
This is Wadandi Boodja - Saltwater People’s Country
Image: Gralyn Estate is a sanctuary for a kangaroo mother and her 'joey' along the banks of the Wilyabrup Brook
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