Young Gun Of Wine - Vineyard Of The Year Awards

We are are a finalist (Top 50) in the inaugural Young Gun of Wine - Vineyard Of The Year Awards.
"The intent of these awards is to shine a light on our best vineyards and give a voice to our best grape growers."
The judges have recognised that we are going beyond organic - eliminating the use of copper and sulphur in the vineyard, to embrace the microbiology of our soil. We are honoured to be recognised as one of the 'Top 50' vineyards in Australia.
In the lead up to the finals, YGOW interviewed our viticulturist Scott, who shared his passion for organic and sustainable farming practices. You can read the full interview here...
Image: Scott (Viticulturist) + Polly amongst the 45 year old Cabernet Sauvignon vines, we wish them the best of luck!
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