Watch our latest video - Wilyabrup Valley

The Wilyabrup Valley is a place of unparalleled beauty where the forest meets the sea.
We have been farming this land since 1968. The Wilyabrup brook carves its way through the property and offers a vital source of water for the farm and habitat for wildlife.
In 1975 we established a 4.5ha vineyard. The vines are now mature - forty five years old, non-irrigated and planted on some of the finest gravelly loam soils in the Wilyabrup region.
The quality of the fruit being produced is exceptional, with organic vineyard practices producing grapes with perfect balance, intense flavour and fine ripe tannins - essential building blocks for great wine.
Visit us… we are open daily, we would love to share more of our story with you on your next visit to Gralyn Estate
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